
Full Service Estate Liquidation Probate- Trust- Standard

Our comprehensive service is ideal for those looking to liquidate family members’ belongings in an organized and efficient manner. Our team of experts specializes in estate sales, liquidations, downsizing, and relocation. We provide a seamless and stress-free experience, ensuring that the process is smooth from start to finish.

Our team of experts individually price furniture, artwork, antiques, clothing and more. Given the nature of time an item has been in a home can differentiate pricing. We are well versed in artwork pieces, jewelry, sterling, vintage pieces and more.

Our Team Can List Your Home For Sale

In need of selling a property? Our team of Real Estate Experts are equipped to list your home in coordination with an Estate Sale. We offer significant discounts when utilizing both services together.

Our experienced team will handle all aspects of the process, from pricing and staging to marketing and selling. We understand the importance of maximizing the value of your assets and work diligently to ensure you get the best results.

Experience our Advanced Service

Not only is navigating through a loved ones home stressful enough, worrying about what to do with all of the items left over from a sale, can be daunting. Our team offers a full service property clean out at the completion of a sale. Full removal of all items including but not limited to: mattresses, couches, metal and more. We take the hassle out of your hands!


“At Next Chapter Estate Sales, your story continues to evolve, just as the Universe does. We understand that your goal is to make it feel right for right now, and we're here to assist you every step of the way. Your story is unique, and we're dedicated to helping you navigate through estate sales, estate liquidations, downsizing, and relocations. Trust our specialists at Next Chapter Estate Sales to guide you and your family to the next chapter of your life.”

— Quote source

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